Beaudoin Glass

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Men pushed me to...

As challenging as I find arts show to be (I am a documented extrovert but displaying my designs for sale at art shows is humbling) they are the best way to learn who is interested in my style, who will engage with me in the booth, and who is willing to ‘vote with his/her pocketbook’ and make a purchase. I noticed over the years that almost as many men are drawn to my style as are women. That surprised me. At the time, I offered only cufflinks for men so those who did not wear French cuffs were out of luck (unless they gifted something to a loved one to wear so they could enjoy looking at their chosen wearable art). Not that men haven’t purchased my jewelry for themselves but, as of this writing, that is not (yet) the norm.

I had one man ask if I could make one of my pendant designs as a case for a computer (the answer is ‘I think so!’), another ask me for wall art and others simply asked what I had for men. In response to this, I recently launched a decor line of simple and elegant glass art for the home. The designs can be custom ordered in colors that best fit your room[s]. I will be adding new designs as this line ramps up and I learn what my art collectors crave.

So yes I blame, and give credit to, men for their valuable feedback. Thanks for helping to push me toward the next stage of my glass art.

You. Inspirational.

sine of peace, lavender