Featured Collections
Jewelry is so much more than a mere accessory. It's a personal statement about who you are and what you choose to project each day. Here are some samples from different collections.
Décor Collection - art glass candles with an oil reservoir
Décor Collection - for the home
Blush - intense center color surrounded by a translucent frame of the same color
Lost and Found - a slice of intense color peeking through an offset top layer
Ghost - translucent layers of stunning color and pattern
Silver Linings - silver and black framing intense, glittering pastel colors
Labyrinth - a luminous texture pattern that is a-maze-ing
Beau Tai - translucent, layered, stretch-like color with a circular pattern
Rain Beau - translucent, layered, stretch-like color with a square pattern
Enigma - glittering cosmos-like brilliance