turquoise blue blush

turquoise blue blush

from $45.00

She strives to exude confidence. Her easy and frequent blushing give her away somewhat. She wonders what others think of her flaming face.

In a word, endearing.

This fused glass beauty, turquoise blue blush, is luminous. The turquoise blue translucent and opaque color is electrifying. You can pair this wearable art with almost any outfit, whether you're going for humble or awe-inspiring. 

You. Heavenly.

Colors found in these earrings: turquoise, teal, blue, sapphire, indigo, royal blue, silver

Approx. 1/2” glass with several finding options. Make your choice in the drop-down menu. This simple, elegant design complements most of the opaque, saturated pendant necklaces. Just sayin’.

finding choice:
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